Anemone: Encounter is a novel in NieR:Automata. It tells part of the story of the Pearl Harbor Descent.
The shared past of A2 and the Resistance is revealed by Anemone. It is the record of a grueling battle fought by the Resistance along the first YoRHa squadron.
- Anemone
- Rose
- Gerbera
- Lilly
- Sonia
- Erica
- Margaret
- Shion
- Dahlia
- YoRHa Type A No.2
- YoRHa Type A No.4
- YoRHa Type G No.16
- YoRHa Type S No.21
My name is Anemone, and I lead the android Resistance.
This is a record of the battles I've experienced—and my losses.
I leave it here as a warning to myself.
The machine lifeform attack lands far too close for comfort.
I smell an acrid odor and know that some of my hair has been singed off.
"Anemone! Retreat for now! That's an order!"
That's my captain, Rose. I obey her without hesitation, running from the front
as soon as I take out a few nearby enemies. Feet flying beneath me, I leap into
the hastily built trench where my Resistance comrades are gathered.
How many battles is this now?
The same sights and sounds. The same struggle of attrition.
My Resistance forces play the same war on repeat with no end in sight.
I don't even remember why we're fighting anymore,
but I must continue regardless.
I must continue until one side or the other is dead.
"This looks bad, Shion. What should we do?"
"Calm down, Lilly. We'll find an opening somewhere."
"You don't search for an opening! You make one!"
"Dahlia, wait!"
I grab Dahlia's arm before she can flee the trench and turn to Rose.
She brought us here, after all—she must have a plan of some kind.
But as the enemy horde closes in, Rose simply squints off in the distance.
"There's been a change in enemy movements," she says finally.
"Someone just started fighting over there."
"But that's not possible," stammers Margaret. "We're... all here."
Margaret's right. There are only nine of us left capable of fighting the machines:
Captain Rose. Gerbera. Lilly. Sonia. Erica. Margaret. Shion. Dahlia...
And me. Anemone. We're all that's left of the eight descent forces.
The one that took place roughly 200 years ago.
An uneasy Sonia pulls Shion close and chews on a loose strand of hair.
"I don't like it," she says. "What if it's some kind of machine trap?"
I wait for a while, heart pounding, until I hear the enemy fire lessen.
"Okay," I say, "this looks like our chance. Let's pull back."
"Someone's fighting out there, Anemone!" cries Dahlia. "We can't abandon them!"
"Oh, so you want to risk all of our lives for some stranger? Come on!
We don't even know if this mystery fighter is on our side or not."
"That's not what I said!"
"Enough, you two," barks Shion. "The captain makes the final decision on this."
After Shion speaks, all of us turn to Captain Rose. She looks us in the eyes
and nods slowly before starting to speak.
"Gerbera? The enemy is heading toward the explosives we set up earlier, yes?"
Gerbera thinks for a moment. "Now that you mention it, yeah. They are."
A slight smile crosses Rose's face, yet she still seems perfectly composed.
"Good. Then if this goes well, we might be able to take them all out."
"I want all of you to leave this trench and get to those explosives," says Rose.
"We'll let the blast take out most of them, then clean up the stragglers.
Identifying our unknown mystery fighters can wait until we're done."
No one objects to the captain's decision. The moment she issues the order,
we all leap from the trench as one and reenter the fray.
When we reach the battle, we find what appears to be another set of androids
dressed in strange black outfits. Before they even know what's happening,
we detonate the explosives, kill the remaining machines, and turn our guns
in their direction.
"All right," I say to the strangers. "Start talking."
"Easy," says one of the mystery androids." We're on your side.
We're new models rolled out as part of something called Project YoRHa."
"Really?" I say. " We haven't heard anything about new models."
I probably speak with more bluster than necessary, but I have to make sure
they're actually on our side. I don't think they're lying, necessarily,
but I can't read their expressions thanks to the giant goggles they wear.
And frankly, a little caution never goes amiss in the middle of a war.
We learn that the four androids refer to each other as Number 2, Number 4,
Number 16, and Number 21. They also aren't in a hurry to share much more.
"Our mission is top secret," one of them says. "That's why you haven't heard
about us yet."
I slowly draw my knife in an attempt to gauge their reaction. "So in other
words, no one will know any better if I kill you right now?"
"Stand down, Anemone," says Rose softly.
"No!" cries Lilly. "She's right! We've all seen how quickly the enemy is
evolving. Who's to say these four aren't machines that just look human?"
My companions nod in agreement. This damn war has made us all suspicious.
One of the strangers—Number 16, I believe—draws a long knife from its sheath.
"If it's a fight you want," she says, "I'm happy to give it to you."
Before I can respond, Dahlia leaps in front of me with her weapon at the ready.
This is it. We're going to fight.
But just before the battle can erupt, the android called Number 2 steps forward.
"Wait," she says.
"There used to be sixteen of us," says Number 2, "but the others died during the descent.
We're isolated and alone out here. Reinforcements aren't coming. And that means
we have to finish this mission with the soldiers we have left. We don't need
more enemies right now. What we need... is allies."
She finishes this speech with a soft sigh, as if trying and failing to hold her
emotions in check.
I know that sort of voice.
It's the voice of someone who still has hope, despite all the odds.
- Talk to Anemone as A2, to be given access to the computer.
- Most easily accomplished at the start of Ch. 14-01: A2 and the Oil Filter. Simply start the chapter, make your way to the center of the desert and proceed to use the transporter to the Resistance Camp. Step just outside the camp and save Pascal. After exhausting the quest dialogue options with Pascal and then Anemone, talk with her one more time to gain access to the computer behind her. Interact with it to obtain the novel.
- Player gains access to Anemone: Understanding after reading.