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For the NieR:Automata chapter, see 01-04: The Bunker.

The Bunker is a key location in NieR:Automata and NieR Reincarnation.

It is an orbital space station that serves as YoRHa's main base of operations, acting as both a communications and deployment facility.

The Bunker contains side-quests, item shops in all private quarters, harvest points, and a Plug-in Chip shop in the server room.


In NieR:Automata, the Bunker is first accessed after the prologue in the Abandoned Factory. From locations on Earth, travelling to the Bunker requires using a transport terminal. Until Chapter 6, the only way to do so is via a transport terminal in the Resistance Camp. Soon after, Jackass is shown to have installed the transport service in every other access point on the ground.

Starting from Chapter 12, the Bunker is no longer accessible.


Nier Reincarnation[]

Pod Spoiler Alert Heads up! Important plot details for NieR:Automata may follow. Read at your own risk! Route(s)
Mama Spoiler Alert Heads up! Important plot details for NieR Reincarnation may follow. Read at your own risk! Route(s)
People/World V

In NieR Reincarnation, the Bunker is found in a destroyed state, but still acts as one of the satellites linking the network connection from the moon to Earth.

The relay server contains a broken replica of the Bunker filled with machine lifeforms and infected YoRHa androids.[1][2][3] It also holds a Virtuous Contract-like sword that contains the presence of 2B, its former owner.[4][5] The digital replica merges into an area with a traditional server appearance, albeit filled with more machine lifeforms.

Bunker Characters[]

Commander White Commander Operator 6O Operator 6O Operator 21O Operator 21O YoRHa No 2B YoRHa No 9S YoRHa Type A No A2 Pod 042 Pod 042 Pod 153 Pod 153

Points of Interest[]

Bunker Access
Two sets of transport terminals are located in the Bunker. Players may use these terminals to save and fast travel to other discovered access points.

Bunker Command
YoRHa operators and the Commander monitor field units from here. Operators 21O and 6O are seated in opposite wings.

Bunker Hangar
Units travelling to and from Earth make use of the flight units docked in the hangar. 16D can be spoken to for a sidequest.

Bunker Terminal
The scanner model in the room sells Pod Programs and storage space, and also fuses Plug-in Chips.

9S uses the computer behind him in Ch. 09-02_2 to assist 2B against So-Shi.

Bunker Bed
2B and 9S can save their data or quit the game by resting in their respective rooms. The computer in each room acts as an item shop.


  • Several other YoRHa units possess their own rooms, labeled with their number and type: 6O, 5O, 21O, 8B, and 7B.
  • If 9S lowers the anti-air signal to 0% at the beginning of Route C, some materials can be found in 21O's desk in her room, as a "gift" from the operator. This must be done before the rendezvous with 2B.
  • A Red Girl can be spotted in the hangar just before 9S takes off to assist 2B against Boku-Shi.
  • After the Bunker is destroyed, the game reverts to a more traditional format where dying means having to revert to a previous save. This is explained in-game as a result of the loss of the servers allowing a unit's data to be backed up.
  • Self-destructing at any point while inside the Bunker will grant the player Ending U. This can be done as early as the maintenance section after the prologue, although it is recommended to save first to avoid losing progress.


  • One of the songs a YoRHa soldier gives the player at the jukebox in the Resistance Camp is called "Fortress of Lies," the same song that plays when at the Bunker—a subtle hint to the true nature of YoRHa.
  • Like Emil's mansion, the Bunker is rendered largely in monochrome, with the only other colors seen during Chapters 10 and 11.
  • The remains of the Bunker appear in Final Fantasy XIV as part of the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse crossover. Despite the crashed installation being utterly destroyed and having made landfall, several systems within the Bunker are still active.
  • The spinning interior is reminiscent of some of the rooms in Discovery One from 2001: A Space Odyssey.


See Also[]


  1. "Wait, this satellite's data structure is... No way!" -10H (NieR Reincarnation)
  2. "My connection with 10H has been severed, and it seems she's been kicked from the network as a result." -Pod 006 (NieR Reincarnation)
  3. "Machine lifeforms had attacked the base. The elite androids known as YoRHa have been infected by a virus. The virus spread like wildfire and brought down the base in an instant." -Narrator (NieR Reincarnation)
  4. "10H... gone... I should...have gone with them... I will never forgive the machines...for hurting them... Nine..." -2B (NieR Reincarnation)
  5. "The voice of the blade's old owner pours through her. She was but another casualty of the virus." -Narrator (NieR Reincarnation)