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Pod 153, similar to Pod 042, is a tactical support unit in NieR:Automata commonly assigned to YoRHa soldiers. They are mainly loaded with various weapons for long-ranged attacks, and display correspondence from Command as well as exchange operational intelligence between units.

Pod 153 supports 9S, and is black with red coloring.


Pod 153 has a robotic, observant, and stoic personality throughout the story. It is highly knowledgeable about science, strategy, YoRHa operations, and other related fields—expressing its thoughts and proposals using a logical and tactical mindset.

Pod 153 is loyal and protective towards 9S, willing to conduct whatever actions he commands despite observing how illogical they may be. However, Pod 153 can be secretive when necessary: shown during Route C when exchanging information with Pod 042, despite 9S and A2 being enemies at the time.

During Ending E, after the Pods are tasked with carrying out the completion of Project YoRHa, Pod 153 willingly defies its programming to assist Pod 042 in saving 2B, 9S, and A2—later becoming more observant of emotions and developing self-awareness.


(To be added.)


flowers for m[A]chines

(To be added.)

or not to [B]e

(To be added.)

meaningless [C]ode

(To be added.)

chil[D]hood's end

(To be added.)

the [E]nd of YoRHa

(To be added.)

Other Appearances[]


Players could obtain Pod 153 through the revival Nier:Automata x SINoALICE collaboration gacha. Alternatively, players could obtain it by exchanging 1,500 Lunar Tear medals. When used in battle, it uses the Magical Tool attack animation.



  • Pod 153's designation number is likely a Biblical reference to Jesus's miraculous catch of 153 fish, a number whose significance remains unknown according to religious scholars.
  • Petting Pod 153 is a secret feature in Nier:Automata. It has no effect on the performance of the pod. 9S pets the pod and then fist-bumps it.
    • To pet Pod 153 on PC, move the mouse slowly in circles. To pet Pod 153 on PS4, swipe the touchpad on the controller. To pet Pod 153 on Xbox, press down on the controller's right thumbstick while moving the left thumbstick.
    • Performing this action prompts the following voice lines:
      • "Report: Affinity increased."
      • "Report: No damage detected."
      • "Proposal: Continue to provide care for this pod."
      • "Report: Pleasant."
      • "Gratitude confirmed. Your affinity with this pod has risen."
      • "Report: Satisfied."
      • "Performance at regular intervals appreciated."

