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"Seems like there's a traveler in Seafront who's searching for something.
Why don't you go see what she wants?

"The Strange Fate of the Jewel" is a quest in NieR and NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139.... A jeweler enlists Nier's help in finding a Mermaid Tear meant to be delivered to the Lighthouse Lady. He has the choice to either bury the jewel with the Lady, give it to the client, or sell it.

This quest is only available during the second half of the game.


Quest log[]

  • A woman in orange at the port in Seafront wants you to locate a treasure known as the Mermaid Tear. Search Seafront for leads.
  • It seems the lighthouse lady was involved...
  • Follow the trail of letters to the post office.
  • Report back to the client about the jewel.
  • You spoke with the client. That jewel has quite a story behind it...


  • None (if the jewel is buried)
  • 10000 Gold (whether delivered or sold)


  • Selecting the option "Bury the jewel in memory of the woman" yields the following exchange:
Nier: It's her keepsake. We should bury it with her.
Postman: All right. I'll bury it next to the old woman's grave.
Nier: Thanks. Guess the next step is to visit the client.
  • Selecting the option "Give it to the client" yields the following exchange:
Nier: I think we should give it to the client.
Postman: Well, all right. If that's what you think is best. I doubt the old girl would complain about it.
Nier: She probably got the jewel in heaven anyway. Guess the next step is to visit the client.
  • Selecting the option "Sell it" yields the following exchange:
Nier: Let's sell this sucker.
Grimoire Weiss: Pah! You would take a precious gift of love and sell it as a common trinket? Rather cheeky of you, if I might say.
Nier: Whatever. At least it'll put this whole thing to rest. Guess the next step is to visit the client.

